Call for Abstracts
OIS Research Conference 2025
14-16 May | Vienna, Austria
We invite you to join the discussion about the role and value of openness and collaboration in scientific research at the upcoming 6th OIS Research Conference.
OIS research investigates whether, how, and under which conditions open and collaborative practices influence the productivity and societal impact of scientific research. We strive for a balanced view that recognizes important contingency factors on the individual, organizational, and ecosystem-level.
The 2025 special conference theme focuses on The Future of Academia-Industry Collaboration: Drivers, Opportunities, and Risks of Novel Forms of Engagement. While traditional models such as technology transfer or public-private partnerships remain important, new models are emerging that are more dynamic, flexible, and open, integrating multiple stakeholder groups. These approaches emphasize co-creation, open sharing and reuse of data, materials, or equipment, and foster iterative feedback between researchers and industry professionals throughout the design, implementation, and translation of scientific research projects. By doing so, they aim to achieve not only breakthroughs in scientific discovery but also a higher likelihood of translation into societally relevant innovations.
► Conference tracks
Submissions both empirical and conceptual in nature are welcome. Abstracts (250-500 words in length) can be submitted related to this year’s special conference theme or to one of the three following general OIS research tracks:
Track 1: Open and collaborative approaches along the entire scientific research process, including opportunities, challenges, and contingency factors. Possible topics include but are not limited to:
- Crowdfunding/crowdsourcing science and citizen science
- Open data/material sharing/re-use
- Platforms facilitating open and collaborative approaches to scientific research
- Artificial intelligence and its influence on open and collaborative approaches in science and innovation
Track 2: Ecosystems and organizational designs facilitating or constraining open and collaborative research approaches. Possible topics include but are not limited to:
- Institutional factors
- Local and national policies
- Intellectual property rights
- Incentive and impact measurement systems
Track 3: Micro-foundations of open and collaborative research approaches. Possible topics include but are not limited to:
- Scientists’ motives for engaging in open and collaborative research
- Skills and capabilities for open and collaborative research
- Attitudes and beliefs supporting or blocking open and collaborative research
- Characteristics and motives of institutional entrepreneurs in research organizations
Submissions related to this year’s special conference theme regarding scientists navigating the dynamic challenges in the modern research landscape are additionally welcomed.
Please also note that:
- We welcome submissions of both early-stage and advanced research projects.
- The research to be presented must not have been accepted for journal publication.
- Participating in the conference requires either getting an abstract accepted for presentation at the OIS Research Conference 2025 or being invited to actively contribute as a speaker, discussant, panelist, or session facilitator.
Given that this year’s conference will once again be implemented in a hybrid format, we will additionally enable online participation in selected sessions for a broader audience. More information on this will be shared together with the conference program in February.
► Submission
The submission deadline 2025 has passed. All submissions will be reviewed by the Organizing Team, and information on abstract acceptance and conference registration will be provided by email early February.
The submission deadline has passed. We will notify submitters about the decision early February.
► Conference program
In addition to paper presentation sessions revolving around these topics, the conference program includes keynotes, panel debates, and OIS experimentation sessions. As every year, the plenary sessions will link to the special conference theme (The Future of Academia- Industry Collaboration). Given the positive feedback in 2024, the conference will continue with its Junior Paper Development Workshop, inviting junior scholars (PhDs and post-docs) whose submission was accepted for presentation to receive personalized in-depth feedback from senior scholars on May 16 in the afternoon. Junior scholars can indicate their interest during the submission process.
Stay tuned for updates on an exciting new line-up of speakers, panelists, and mentors. A preliminary conference program will be made available upon abstract acceptance.
► Practicalities and conference fee
The conference will be an in-person meeting at The Space in Vienna, with online streaming for plenary and selected paper sessions. The conference will commence on May 14 in the morning and conclude on May 16 early afternoon. We expect participants to attend the entire program.
The conference fee is 250 Euros. PhD students facing financial constraints can pay a reduced fee of 100 Euros, upon agreement. The conference fee covers all meals including a fabulous conference dinner.
Please contact us for any questions or to be added to our conference mailing list, which will ensure that you receive the latest updates about the annual OIS Research Conference.